Anastacia is a kind, happy, active 11-year-old who is well-liked and respected by her classmates, she is School Captain and always takes the time to help other students. But life at home isn’t easy for Anastacia. Her family has always struggled to make ends meet. Food shortages in their home have always led to anxiety and vulnerability. It affects her and her family every day and Anastacia doesn’t deserve to live like this.

To make things worse, Anastacia’s mum Connie has breast cancer and is recovering from a double mastectomy, so as you can imagine, with all the bills and treatment, they really struggle to put food on the table. Getting by has away been tough, but now it is even worse for the family both emotionally and financially. Connie feels shame and sadness that she can’t support her children.

“There are days when I cry because I can’t look after Anastacia, I’m her mother, I should be doing that. But if it wasn’t for the school, Anastacia wouldn’t get breakfast.” mum Connie.

Bronwyn, the School Principal, is witnessing a classroom revolution thanks to the school’s Breakfast Club – increased concentration in children and a big reduction in discipline issues.

It is this approach that has helped Anastacia go from strength-to-strength; gaining the confidence and skills to give assembly speeches as School Captain, help other children in need and compete at the district sports carnival.

“If I don’t have breakfast, I feel tired and weak, After I’ve eaten at the Breakfast Club, I feel good. I don’t feel tired. I feel like I have a lot of energy and I can finish the whole day off nice and good.” – Anastacia

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